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< < | User List sorted by name | ||||||||||||||
> > | TWiki User List | ||||||||||||||
Related topics: TWikiGroups, TWikiUsers, UserListByDateJoined, UserListByLocation, UserReports | |||||||||||||||
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< < | |||||||||||||||
> > |
<--[if IE]><![endif]--> | ||||||||||||||
Filter: | |||||||||||||||
Changed: | |||||||||||||||
< < |
Number of topics: 1 <--/patternSearchResultCount--> | ||||||||||||||
> > | <-- "search_box" section, included by "Main.WebHome" dashboard -->Clear Total: 1 entry | ||||||||||||||
Related topics: TWikiGroups, TWikiUsers, UserListByDateJoined, UserListByLocation, UserReports |
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User List sorted by nameRelated topics: TWikiGroups, TWikiUsers, UserListByDateJoined, UserListByLocation, UserReports | ||||||||
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"META:FORM.*[U]serForm;" type="regex" nosearch="on" | ||||||||
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< < | excludetopic="UserList" | |||||||
> > | excludetopic="UserList*, *Template" | |||||||
header="| * | *Name | Contact | Department | Organization | Location | Country |"
format="| <img src='$percntIF{ \"'$formfield(Image)'!=''\" then='/pub/$web/$topic/$formfield(Image)' else='/pub/Main/UserProfileHeader/default-user-profile.jpg'
}$percnt' width='70' border='0' alt='' /> | $formfield(FirstName) $formfield(LastName) | $percntICON{mail}$percnt $formfield(Email) $percntIF{ \"'$formfield(Telephone)'!=''\" then=' $percntICON{phone}$percnt $formfield(Telephone)' }$percnt $percntIF{ \"'$formfield(Mobile)'!=''\" then=' $percntICON{mobile}$percnt $formfield(Mobile)' }$percnt $percntIF{ \"'$formfield(SkypeID)'!=''\" then=' $percntICON{skype}$percnt $formfield(SkypeID)' }$percnt | $formfield(Department) | $formfield(Organization) | $formfield(Location) | $formfield(Country) |" excludetopic="*Template" |
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User List sorted by nameRelated topics: TWikiGroups, TWikiUsers, UserListByDateJoined, UserListByLocation, UserReports | |||||||||||||||
Changed: | |||||||||||||||
< < |
Number of topics: 1 <--/patternSearchResultCount--> | ||||||||||||||
> > |
Number of topics: 1 <--/patternSearchResultCount-->Related topics: TWikiGroups, TWikiUsers, UserListByDateJoined, UserListByLocation, UserReports |
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User List sorted by nameRelated topics: TWikiGroups, TWikiUsers, UserListByDateJoined, UserListByLocation, UserReports | |||||||||||
Changed: | |||||||||||
< < |
Number of topics: 1 <--/patternSearchResultCount--> | ||||||||||
> > |
Number of topics: 1 <--/patternSearchResultCount--> |
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User List sorted by nameRelated topics: TWikiGroups, TWikiUsers, UserListByDateJoined, UserListByLocation, UserReports | |||||||||||
Changed: | |||||||||||
< < |
Number of topics: 1 <--/patternSearchResultCount--> | ||||||||||
> > |
Number of topics: 1 <--/patternSearchResultCount--> |
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Added: | |||||||||||
> > | User List sorted by nameRelated topics: TWikiGroups, TWikiUsers, UserListByDateJoined, UserListByLocation, UserReports
Number of topics: 1 <--/patternSearchResultCount--> |